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One Year Course on Philosophical Counselling


We are very happy to announce that we are renewing our one year program on Philosophical counseling and practice in English language!

This program has been running successfully for 7 years already in Russian and a year in English and Chinese.

This program is dedicated to the people who would like to get a deeper understanding of philosophical practice, become philosophy counselors or undergo an intense training in thinking and consciousness for personal reasons.

Persons from very different backgrounds and professions joining us in this course. What unites them is love for thinking and self-development.

This course is not about acquisition of knowledge, but cultivation of the self. Throughout the year we work on who we are and how we think. We produce and explore arguments, read and interpret texts, train in asking questions, identify and formulate problems, learning to understand others and ourselves better.

There will be individual and collective work, oral and written tasks, as well as some initiation to philosophical culture.

The program lasts 1 academic year (8 calendar months)

The total amount of learning hours (including homework) is 410.

Every month: one educational module.

Each module consists of:

  • 1 weekend seminar. Saturday and Sunday (6 hours each day). This weekend seminar is led by Oscar Brenifier and other philosophy practitioners.

  • 2 weekly lessons with exercises, to do within 3 days.

  • 1 or 2 written tasks. 1 week is given to complete them.

  • 1 block of philosophical consultations. Each student will record 1 consultation as a philosopher and 1 as a "client". This concerns 2nd and 3rd years.

The course consists of 8 modules, each one is dedicated to a specific thinking competency.

For those who have already undergone some initial training, this program can further the practice. You will be asked to train newcomers and therefore improve your skills. It is most fitting in order to become a professional, either as a philosophy practitioner, or to improve one’s skills as coach, psychologist, HR specialist or business manager.

All the sessions are recorded, thus if some sessions are missed, they can be watched later. The written tasks are given in small portions and can be realized at any time. This allows to combine the learning process with work and family life.


  • Implement techniques and tools of efficient thinking to work with yourself in everyday life.

  • Understand a person based on a sentence or a question.

  • Ask people relevant and deepening questions to make the other think.

  • Understand a dialogue faster by identifying problems and how to solve them.

  • Conduct individual or group sessions.

  • You can become a tutor on our course.

  • We invite the best students to join our team of philosophers, work with clients individually or in a group, participate in projects or create new ones.

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