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CFA: Workshop: The Future of Feminism

CFA Hannah Arendt workshop The Future of Feminism

The Hannah Arendt lecture is preceded by the 2nd Hannah Arendt Workshop The Future of Feminism. The workshop will take place on Tilburg University campus.

The #MeToo movement has brought about new developments in feminism as of 2017. It is characterized by intense, global online activism and the atmosphere of fame: well-known female, as well as male, actors and other public figures have been coming out via Twitter and Instagram as victims of sexual abuse by mostly well-known people in positions of influence and power. Is this a fourth feminist wave? How can social media help break down old, patriarchal structures?

The Future of Feminism workshop seeks answers to these and related questions, such as:

- What is the role of social media in the new culture of confession regarding sexual abuse?

- What is the role of men in the future of feminism?

- What is the relationship between fame, power and sexual abuse?

- What exactly is misogyny and what forms does it take in societies that proclaim themselves as ‘female-friendly’ and ‘emancipated’?

- What is misogyny from an intersectionalist perspective?

- What is the state of misogyny and emancipation at universities, in sports, the arts, politics and the judiciary?

- What is the state of women and/ in philosophy?

- Why are achievements by women and girls less valued and how do we achieve equal pay and esteem?

Dr. Kate Manne will attend part of the workshop online to engage in the debate.

The keynote lecture will be delivered by Prof. Rosi Braidotti (Utrecht University). Her lecture is entitled ‘Feminist Futures’. In addition, there are 5 places for other lectures on campus. If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please submit an abstract of about 350 words by July 1, 2021 to with the subject: ‘Abstract Hannah Arendt workshop’. Abstracts will be selected anonymously. You will be notified by September 1 of acceptance/ rejection.

On behalf of the organizational committee & the PHC&E Research group,

Prof. Martine Prange

Prof. Ruud Welten

MA Lucie Chateau

Lucie Chateau

PhD Researcher, Tilburg University. School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, Department of Philosophy and Department of Culture Studies. D 258. 0628 123 894.

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